Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dangers of Smartphone Usage

We live in a world filled with technology, innovation, and digital gadgets. All of these gadgets can be very useful as well as very destructive. When used correctly they can allow you to do many things from the comfort of your own home. Smartphones are particularly useful because they can allow you to be connected to the digital world from a small handheld device. Yet, with this usefulness comes addiction and neglect. Since it is so convenient, you may find yourself looking at Facebook, Twitter, or surfing the Internet on a constant basis. Instead of having a conversation with friends in person, you may find yourself texting or messaging people you may know through your phone. This new digital world has altered our world and unless we balance digital interaction, we may find ourselves neglecting loved ones, opting to interact through digital media instead of in person. We must learn to balance our lives with this new digital interaction.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

Success is an achievement every professional desires. Yet what makes a person successful? Is it their ability to overachieve at their job? This will likely only merit them is a promotion. Success is determined by many different factors. Success is not necessarily self-made. Bill Gates for example became a wealthy man because he was living in the right place, at the right time, doing something that was on the brink of a technological advance. Not only was he a very intelligent person with a competitive personality, but much of his success is attributed to the time frame in which he was introduced to computers. Bill Gates would fall under the category of an outlier, someone who doesn't fit into our normal understanding of achievement. Something that Bill Gates did was he saw an opportunity and took advantage of that opportunity and in the process he became very wealthy. How can this be applied to you? Always be aware of the different opportunities that present themselves and take advantage of them whenever possible.

Monday, November 10, 2014


The Linux operating system has been growing in it's popularity and functionality. As a free alternative to Microsoft Windows, this software allows for users to install an operating system on their computer. Many Linux users primarily use Linux as their preferred operating system for personal as well as professional use. One of the biggest uses of Linux is to run web servers on older machines. These machines need to be able to run consistently with the least amount of downtime as possible and Linux has been able to do this a lot more efficiently than older versions of Windows that are compatible for these outdated computers. However, when running Linux, even outdated computers can be reliable web hosts. With recent advances in technology, perhaps Linux will become outdated as well, or perhaps it will advance just as well as Windows and facilitate the user's experience more than Windows.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Are All Software Engineers Men?

In the field of computer science, the majority of students are male. Why is this? Perhaps women have a lack of interest in computers. It is common to see women in computer related fields, such as graphic design or web design, but less women are graduating in computer science, entering the workforce as software engineers. Computer science is generally seen as a man's occupation, even though women are just as capable of fulfilling the same role as software engineers. For the past few years the percentage of women graduates in computer science has been declining. Perhaps over the next few years, with rising interest in computer science, more women will join the workforce as software engineers.